Issue Position: Medicare for All

Issue Position

Matt believes that healthcare is a right of all Americans, and like many of our allies, the best way to ensure all Americans have access to quality healthcare is to provide coverage to everyone. No more co-pays! No more deductibles! No more over-priced premiums paying large salaries to insurance company CEOs who earn more by denying policyholders treatment that their coverage paid for, and most importantly, no one left out! The best part, the secret the bought politicians in the Republican and Democratic Parties won't tell you about, it will cost less money!

Americans pay more for healthcare now than all of our allies. We get worse results, and we don't cover all of our citizens. We can do better, and by doing better we will free up entrepreneurs and small business people to compete and create new jobs. One of the biggest roadblocks holding would be entrepreneurs back is the loss of affordable healthcare coverage when leaving a job to start a business. Medicare-for-All will solve that problem once and for all, and give more people the freedom to start new businesses.

Medicare for all is cheaper than than for-profit health insurance because while for-profit health insurance has administrative costs of between twenty and thirty percent or more, Medicare averages administrative costs of between two and three percent. Already today, 63 cents out of every dollar spent on health care is paid for by federal, state, and local government in America.
